Sunday, April 12, 2015
Stop with the Remakes and Reboots
There is a trend to remake all sorts of movies and TV shows because hollywood and the generation that are after us are either incapable or unwilling (I'm going with lazy) to come up with new ideas. These are the type of things that piss off our generation. The senseless need to constantly reinvent the wheel (so to speak).
Before I start with a short list of ridiculousness let me instead start with the "new ideas" comment. I address this because there are a lot of followers of the Fenix Media Group and all of our blogs and shows that are of the next generation, or "gimme" generation. Not all are gimme types but the majority are, with that said, I'm not saying that there needs to be completely fresh new ideas because , lets face it, sometimes it's VERY difficult to do. The example I give here would be music. There are beats and melodies that just work. And they sell. Look at Nickleback, they sell records because they figured out a formula that works for them. And they DO sell records, even if you hate them or Bieber, or One Direction, they found something that sells and makes them money therefore they don't need to do anything new.
Rock, Hip Hop and Metal are the same way. We have the Who, The Doors, Stones, Guns, Zeppelin, Tool, Beasties, JayZ, Nas, and the list goes on. All of the great music has been done over and over to the point that overtime a new artist tries something they get compared to another artist. It has moved from "Inspiration" or "influences" to lawsuits for stealing beats or melodies. This stifles the artists and stops them from creating new music because there sound might sound too much like someone or something else.
Movies and TV shows (especially Movies) are an entirely different subject though. Star Wars is not only a franchise that's close to my heart but one that we consider a film more than a movie. Episode 4 especially is an example of how a film can have a basic influence and inspiration from all sorts of other things and use that premise, combined with casting and acting, to create something special. Star Wars uses elements from King Arthur, religion (the force), Flash Gordon, and several others combined with casting to create a universe and story that stand the test of time. But instead of using those influences to create something new, hollywood chooses to just remake something that works just because they can.
Let me talk about the difference though as to when a classic film needs to be updated versus when hollywood simply runs out of ideas. 12 Angry Men, 1957, deals with a jury that has to decide the fate of a individual that had a knife, was of color, and the jurors that were either racist, biased, or just didn't want to be there and simply wanted the trial over so they could leave. Great Film. Every high school student should watch it. This film was remade in 1997 because times had literally changed. From issues of segregation to the level of violence to even how a court room is run. This film needed to be updated but needed to keep the same premise.
When Hollyweird runs out of ideas and becomes lazy it's completely different. The example here would be Footloose. Bible belt issues and intolerance centered around one person who wants to change the status quo. Why did this need to be remade?
Star Trek, the actors are older and and not every movie is great. Everyone considers Wrath of Khan a classic, PLUS it is a continuation of a story from the original TV series. What the hell was wrong with that?? It had classic lines, tension, etc. But this needed a reboot?
Rocky Horror Picture show STILL have people going in droves to midnight showings to participate in the live showing of the film.
Mad Max. Seriously? Here is a movie that is about an apocalyptic future with a badass car, weird acting and a cast that wasn't famous at all but was able to act so well that it gave an extra something to a testosterone film.
Pet Cemetery. This needs a remake why? because it wasn't creepy enough? That the pet cemetery was being moved to a new location? Or maybe we need to set it in a city instead of rural america.
The Crow??? Are you friggin serious?? The movie that both launched Brandon Lee's career and killed him through mysterious circumstances, with an iconic soundtrack and great acting in a dark dystopia.
The list goes on and on getting more and more outrageous the further down you go; Starship Troopers, Barbarella, Dirty Dancing, Never-ending Story, Time Bandits, War-games, Seven Samurai. SEVEN SAMURAI!! That classic Japanese FILM that was remade to US audiences as Magnificent 7!?
All of these are considered "classics" but still, someone feels that they can make a classic better. Really? Make a classic better?? They're classic for a reason, they stand the test of time for a reason.
Our Generation
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