Going through the morning news headlines (around 550 this morning) I start seeing a very big trend. Firstly let me say that yes, I do think outside the box. That's why I have my own podcast to talk about the crap I see and read. But lately, especially after the Baltimore Riots I'm seeing ALOT of random articles abut Racism. Then you add everything that's going on in South Carolina, and how suddenly it's not the fault of the person that perpetrated this horrible crime, but the fault of a piece of tapestry called a flag.
This is getting out of hand.
I'm am not writing this article to say there is no racism in the world. There is racism ALL OVER THE WORLD! Racism for every color, religion, sexual preference and it all has to end. The police need to have body cameras on at all times. Not just to protect citizens but to protect themselves when they DO have to defend themselves. What I'm talking about is how politicians suddenly (during a campaign) stand up spitting out of their pie hole all the things that their constituents would want to hear or what might get them good numbers in the polls. I'm looking at you Hillary! And don't get me started on the good reverend Al Sharpton who should head down to a danger zone when the problem is actually happening instead of AFTER the fact.
My issue is with mostly with main stream media (as usual). I have seen more articles in the past few days of shooting references, racism, or some sort of aggravated assault in a major metropolitan city than I have in the weeks prior. This is not a coincidence. Here's a example; a florida FORMER police officer making racial slurs. Ok, this is a former police officer that was relived of duty BECAUSE he is making racist comments both on the job as well as through social media! That was dealt with. He was doing those things and he was removed from the force because of it, done deal. Now, under free speech, he can spew all the crap he wants out of his mouth. The same goes for the Confederate Flag. Should it be pulled down from the state capital? Yes. But it does not represent ever racist act that has ever happened in the south. It's unfortunate that the KKK has adopted the flag but so did the Luke boys! We don't blame Bo, Luke, and Uncle Jesse for all the racism in the south do we? No. You can't control symbols that people use to commit crimes. Do we condemn a band if a rapist wears their tour shirt? And for that matter, lets look at one of the most offensive symbols in modern day, the Nazi Flag. Called svastika in Sanskrit, it is a symbol of auspiciousness in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. But one guy uses it while committing heinous acts of terror and the symbol can never be looked at again. THIS WAS HITLER! He killed millions!! Not some idiot taking pictures in his backyard!
The point being is that we need to look past all these things and focus on the why and the how. Stop taking guns out of honest peoples hands, because (you rich lawmakers listen up) that's not going to stop any criminal from getting a gun but it WILL stop me from protecting my home and family. And sure you can sit there and say "call the police", well that's nice and all, but most of them (I said most) have a god complex and will shoot anything in front of them, and shoot to kill I might add, and then look a Detroit where they simply don't have the manpower to police certain areas! I don't own a gun but I believe every person should own one, and if shit keeps going the way it is I'm GOING to get a gun to protect me and mine because I simply can't trust the local or federal authority to do it for me. But I should be able to trust the government to do what the majority of people want. Not the minority.
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